Cooper Beer Brewing Can Kits for Every Homebrewer

Blog Post written by: The Brew Shop

Date Written: 12/04/2022

Focus Keywords:  Can Kits, Cooper Beer Brewing, home brewing

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Do you love home brewing beer? If so, Coopers has the perfect kit for you! Coopers beer brewing can kits come in many different varieties, so there is something for everyone. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced brewer, Coopers has the perfect kit for you. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of Coopers beer brewing can kits available and how they can help you make the perfect brew every time.

Coopers beer brewing can kits are a great option for any home brewer. They are easy to use and produce great-tasting beer. Coopers offers several different can kits, so you can find the perfect one for your needs. The Classic Range kit is a great option for beginners. It includes all of the ingredients you need to make a five-liter batch of beer. The kit includes a can of Coopers Lager, malt extract, yeast, hops, and brewing sugar.

Below are a few options for beginners, these kits have easy to use instructions and you can easily start your brewing career!

Coopers Original Draught

Coopers Original Draught : Light yellow-gold colour with a tightly packed white head, floral nose with a hint of malt, medium bodied palate with delicate hopping and a slightly bitter finish. The most discerning draught drinker will appreciate this beer.

Coopers Original Old Dark Ale

Coopers Original Old Dark Ale : Rich Mahogany colour and a creamy head. Roasted malt aromas with a hint of chocolate, generous mouthfeel dominated by roasted malt flavours, sufficient hop bitterness to give balance and a dry finish.

Coopers Original Real Ale

Coopers Original Real Ale : Bright golden colour with a strong head, pleasant blend of fruit and malt on the nose with generous mouthfeel and a moderately bitter finish. A good example of a Coopers Traditional Ale.

Coopers also offers an international range. Coopers has endeavoured to develop a range of beers for brewers seeking the unique international flavours and characteristics of certain regions from around the world.

Coopers International Australian Pale Ale

Due to popular demand Coopers master brewers have developed a beer concentrate in the style of the famous COOPERS ORIGINAL PALE ALE which is considered an Australian icon. The finest 2-row barley, hops and specially selected yeast combine to produce a beer with fruity and floral characters, balanced with a crisp bitterness and compelling flavour perfect for every occasion.

Coopers International English Bitter

The industrialisation of Britain in the early 1800s gave rise to the “pale ale revolution”. Subsequently, various styles of pale ale became available as brewers adjusted their brews to meet consumer taste. One such brew was “Bitter”. In keeping with this traditional style of pale ale, Coopers English Bitter is a brown copper colour with red hues and a creamy head. It displays a pleasing floral aroma with a blend of toasty/sweet malt flavors finishing with a firm bitter finish. It may be served slightly less chilled, if desired.

Coopers International Mexican Cerveza

Mexico is known for its arid lands, dusty conditions and oppressive heat. So it’s not surprising that the people of Mexico are expert at quenching a thirst. Coopers Mexican Cerveza (beer) emulates the style of the finest quality beers exported from Mexico. This premium beer is light in style with a fresh clean taste, ideally served ice-cold with a wedge of lime or lemon.

Cooper's Can Kits offer a variety of flavors to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your needs. They are easy to use and produce great-tasting beer. Coopers offers several different can kits, so you can find the perfect one for your needs. For more information on Cooper Can Kits please visit our online store or contact us for more information.


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